
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has prepared around 52,000 trees in the corridor of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) Segment 3B KKT Kariagau-Simpang (Sp) Tempadung, East Kalimantan.

Later it will be planted as a toll road beautification and grouped according to the type of plant. Some types of plants that are ready to be planted are julai, ketapang datea, suren, damar, banyan, to trambesi which are suitable for toll road corridors," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono during a review of the progress of the IKN Segment 3B Toll Road construction, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

In the construction of the IKN toll road segment 3B, said Basuki, 12 toll roads or nurseries covering an area of 2.3 hectares were also built.

The number of trees planted, said Basuki, will continue to grow to hundreds of thousands of trees in the corridor of the access road to IKN. Currently, several types of plants out of a total of about 89 types of plants are in the process of adapting to local conditions.

The nursery area gets water supply from the Rawa Buaya River with a maximum capacity of 5,000 liters per day. The management of the nursery area is carried out by the Army Retired Association (PPAD) as many as 30 people.

The construction of the IKN Toll Road segment 3B KKT Kariangau-Sp. Tempadung for 7.325 km is a continuation road from the 3.4 km Karang Joang-KKT Kariangau segment.

Then, the toll road continues to the 5A Sp Segment. The 6.67 km Tempadung-Jembatan of Balang Island which is targeted for completion in 2024.

Basuki said the construction of the IKN Toll Road which would later be connected to the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road was carried out in order to accelerate connectivity to the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN Nusantara.

"Later, when there is an IKN Toll Road, the travel time to KIPP is only 30-40 minutes. Now it's still around 2 hours," said Basuki.

Head of the East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN), Reiza Setiawan, added that currently the progress of the toll road construction has reached 22.24 percent.

"The work is carried out by PT Wika-PT PP- and PT Jaya Konstruksi (KSO) with a target completion in June 2024. The total length of the toll road is 7.325 km with a contract value of IDR 1.9 trillion", said Reiza.

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