
JAKARTA - The Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Papua Special Autonomy Development (BP3OKP) will temporarily focus on overseeing the needs of the Papuan people who are affected by security conflicts due to the actions of the Terrorist Separatist Group (KST)/Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

"We prioritize now to serve those affected," said BP3OKP member Papua Province representative Pastor Albert Yoku after attending a coordination meeting with the Presidential Staff office in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

Albert, who is also trusted to be the coordinator of six BP3OKP members representing the Papua region, said that the fulfillment of the needs of the Papuan people affected by the KST action was no less important than the handling of terror acts, including the KST hostage-taking.

"Because there are more affected. Instead of (only) focusing on the problem (the KST action), continue to let the people suffer from hunger, welfare is not taken care of and so on, it is better for us (also) to handle the many people," he said.

As for security matters, he invited the central government through the TNI/Polri to continue to take a soft security approach, for example with the Cartenz Peace Operation where the TNI/Polri went to the community to help teach as teachers to help grow gardens and farm communities.

"So it is more soft, to build a peaceful humanity," he said.

In particular, Albert said that BP3OKP's task is to make things an obstacle and block the acceleration of Papua's development and report it to the Vice President as Chairman of BP3OKP.

As a short-term priority, BP3OKP, one of which will oversee the fulfillment of the needs of the Papuan people who are affected by security conflicts and social conflicts.

He gave an example in Nduga Regency, as one of the districts that are prone to KST, there are 32 districts where in 16 districts, the people have been displaced due to the impact of discomfort with the KST action.

"So that later an inventory will be carried out by BP3OKP, and we will report it to the Setwapres, also to ministries/agencies, so that humanitarian handling steps in terms of social assistance, both health, education and clothing are suitable for use or food and so on, so that it can be available to those affected by security conflicts," he said.

Albert also invited the Papuan people, including religious leaders, community leaders, traditional leaders to join hands in accepting the acceleration program implemented by the government, for the welfare of all people in the Land of Papua.

"Hopefully through BP3OKP there will be a lot of progress that can be achieved," he explained.

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