
NTT - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to residents in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to be aware of the potential for strong winds to be dry in the next few days.

Head of the El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station, BMKG Agung Sudiono Abadi, said the dry strong winds could trigger the emergence or spread of forest and land fires (karhutla).

"Be aware of the potential for strong winds that are dry in the dry season which has the potential to cause forest and land fires to spread in the NTT region," he said in Kupang, NTT, Friday, May 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed this related to early weather warnings in the NTT area which took effect from May 26-28.

Agung said that the areas that have the potential to be hit by strong winds are Kupang City, Kupang Regency, Sumba Island, Sabu Island, Rote Island.

The potential for strong winds that are dry, he continued, can cause forest and land fires to spread quickly so it is necessary to be aware of the residents in these numbers.

He said residents need to avoid activities or actions that can trigger hotspots in open areas such as clearing grass or clearing agricultural land by burning.

In addition, do not throw cigarette butts in open areas where there are piles of leaves or dry grass that are easily struck by fire.

Agung said, if a hotspot appears causing forest or land fires, it will spread quickly with the support of strong winds that are dry.

"If there is a fire in a strong wind condition, the fire is also more difficult to extinguish so that prevention is scarce, it needs to be done by avoiding actions that cause hotspots," he said.

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