BANJARMASIN - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Kalimantan Province continues to make efforts to prevent forest and land fires (karhutla), one of which is by forming a Land Task Force (Satgas) to patrol the field.
"For extra alerts, one of which is to deploy the Land Task Force to routinely patrol land and forests," said Head of the South Kalimantan BPBD Emergency Sub-Department Muhammad Noor Jamaluddin as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 24.
Jamaluddin said the Land Task Force was divided into several groups or teams with a total of five to ten people per team.
"Each team is led by a head of a team that has more control over the terrain in the field, especially in vulnerable areas," he said.
Additional personnel from the South Kalimantan BPBD patroll the forest and land fires area every day with facilities for two trail motors and four personnel.
Jamaluddin said that his party always coordinates with district and city BPBDs on a regular basis as an effort to prevent forest and land fires.
Several vulnerable areas are monitored by teams in several vulnerable areas in Banjarbaru City, including the Syamsudin Noor Airport area.
Meanwhile, one of the South Kalimantan BPBD field officers, Fadliansyah, said that the ring one area, namely the airport area, was routine surveillance of the team.
"Every day we monitor, the team continues to tour and work as much as possible," he said.
His party not only patrolled, but also conducted socialization of forest and land fires prevention in vulnerable areas.
He appealed to the public if hotspots appeared and there was a sign of forest and land fires to immediately coordinate to report the incident and contact the South Kalimantan BPBD.
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