After The First Group Of Hajj 2023, Ganjar Pranowo Praises The Struggle Of Tempe Traders
Like your own father, Ganjar Pranowo released the departure of the first batch of pilgrims to spread Solo with emotion. (IST)


Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo released the departure of the first batch of the 2023 Solo Hajj embarkation. Before leaving he had a dialogue with prospective pilgrims. Ganjar was amazed by the determination and struggle of the congregation to be able to go to the holy land.

Like the determination of a tempe seller from Gubug District, Grobogan Regency, to be able to go on a pilgrimage to the holy land, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was touched. The tempe seller named Untung Suratno set aside his profit of selling tempeh every day to be saved as a hajj fee.

"I am a tempe seller whose pack is still wearing leaves. Waiting 11 years (to be able to go for Hajj). I save every day from selling tempeh, if there is more, add it to the savings," said Untung Suratno during a dialogue with Ganjar Pranowo at the Haji Donohudan Dormitory, Boyolali, Tuesday, May 23 evening.

Untung menjelaskan memang niat menyebung agar bisa pergi haji bersama istri. Dreamnya itu sempat terbarang pandemi COVID-19 sedangkan istrinya lolos untuk pergilanan haji tahun 2020 lalu.

"For Hajj with my wife. My wife left first because I hit the corona, so I waited three years," he said.

Hearing the Untung story, Ganjar Pranowo immediately gave praise. According to him, what Untung did was a little example of how the determination of the prospective pilgrims to fulfill the fifth Islamic pillars.

Apart from Untung, there are many stories of pilgrims saving to go for Hajj. On average, those invited to have a dialogue with Ganjar save a month of Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 1 million. But there are also those who sell rice fields or others to cover the cost of Hajj. Most of the prospective pilgrims departing this year are those who registered around 11-12 years ago.

"I invited them to dialogue earlier and some were touching, yes, there are tempe sellers who save every day, then there are a little more excess or maybe someone is so excited that the rice fields are sold. So what are their intentions, sincerely they are to worship," said Ganjar after giving a speech for the release of prospective pilgrims. 1 Solo embarkation.

Ganjar Pranowo, who came with the Deputy Governor of Taj Yasin Maimoen, said he was happy to see the prospective pilgrims. He hopes that the pilgrimage that he has been waiting for will run smoothly so that it becomes a great pilgrimage and is safe to return home later. He also hopes that the quota for Hajj services can continue to grow so that more people can leave.

"Everything is given the opportunity because the queues are getting longer day by day. So the opportunity must be arranged. We are grateful that the quota will increase," he said.

The governor for the two periods advised prospective pilgrims to maintain health during the trip, be in the holy land, and later return to their respective homes. If there are things that are not known, it is advisable to ask the companion.

"Continue to communicate with the companion. If there are those who don't know, they are asked because most of them have never been there, yes. If so, I don't think it's too difficult, but those who haven't, often ask questions. Usually what happens are often lost, don't know which hotels are used, don't know which transportation to use, yes," said Ganjar Pranowo's message to the pilgrims.

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