The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto's book entitled 'Progressive Geopolitical Coexistence' which contains Bung Karno's geopolitical thoughts will be made differently.
Hasto will target young readers so that they can be interested in reading and learning.
"We will make a geopolitical book Soekarno with a popular version that can reach the entire community, especially young people so that they can build the fighting spirit of Indonesia's leadership in the world in Soekarno's Geopolitical theory," Hasto told reporters at the Lemhanas building, Central Jakarta, Saturday, May 20.
In the book, later Hasto wants to describe the world situation in the past and today.
"For example, Bung Karno has thought about the supply chain fight since 1958 by designing a strategic corridor," he said.
Meanwhile, the Professor of the Indonesian Defense University (IDU) Purno Yusgiantoro said that the books written by Hasto could be a reference in many ways.
Moreover, in its preparation there are two perspectives of Bung Karno's teachings taken by Hasto, namely external or in international and internal association related to the philosophy of the nation.
In writing, Purno said that Hasto used research based on a qualitative and quantitative approach. "We found variables and indicators related to aspects of national life," he said.
"And that is what is currently called the Indonesian geostrategy, which is none other than national resilience. That is what is taught in Lemhannas," continued Purno.
Thus, he hopes that Bung Karno's geopolitical written by Hasto can be applied.
"Our perspective is to look at ourselves and look at our environment in international association, namely coexistence. That is the insight of Indonesian archipelago and geopoliticalism taught in Lemhannas," concluded Purno.
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