
PeKANBARU - Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) reported that a resident was reportedly killed by a Sumatran tiger. The victim named Arbain died at a illegal logging location that became the native habitat of a tiger.

Head of BBKSDA Riau, Genman Hasibuan, said the location of the victim was found dead in the Siam River Forest Area. The location is part of the habitat of the Sumatran tiger on the Landskap Peninsular Kampar.

"The team found rampant illegal logging at the Incident Scene where the location became part of the Sumatran Tiger habitat on the Landscape of the Kampar Peninsula," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 20.

The BKSDA appealed to residents to stop illegal logging in the habitat area of the Sumatran Tiger to avoid recurring events.

The BKSDA has also coordinated with the Gaung Sector Police and related parties to jointly secure the Sumatran Tiger from anarchist acts.

The tiger attack occurred when the victim, Arbain, went from his wooden hut to a logging area in the forest. A few moments later the victim was found dead.

"At that time the witnesses saw a Sumatran tiger emerging from the scene. The witnesses did not see and heard the incident because of the loud sound of the wood cutting machine," he said.

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