
The Special Task Force (Satgasus) for the Prevention of Corruption Crimes at Bareskrim Polri has mapped the potential for excise problems in Indonesia in order to increase state revenues and prevent corruption.

The mapping effort was carried out in a targeted group discussion (FGD) with the theme Problems and Excise Challenges' in Jakarta, Wednesday, attended by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesian Tobacco Society Alliance, PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, Tbk, GAPPRI, GAPMMI, INAPLAS, Indodata, DDTC, GAPRINDO, and AMI. Chairman of the Corruption Prevention Task Force Herry Muryanto said, one of the corruption prevention methods built by his party, namely by detection, determining actions and monitoring.

Therefore, he said, the FGD, which was organized by his party, was the initial part of the detection activity, in the hope of being able to detect problems from existing inputs as well as get the best solution formula for the right problem.

"So detection does not always have to go to the field, through this FGD we can raise what problems, or what challenges are related in the excise sector," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

By knowing the excise problem from the direct source, said Herry, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police could contribute to finding a solution to its solution.

"If we have detected the problem, God willing, we can find a solution to prevent it so that the problem does not become a complicated problem," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy of the Corruption Prevention Task Force for the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Novel Baswedan, said that there were three important things that became the theme of discussions conducted by his party together with excise stakeholders in Indonesia, namely the interests of public health, related to state revenues and the interests of the business world.

These three interests are carried out in a balanced manner. We want to get information, want to catch problems, of course, this problem is discussed with related parties in order to find a solution," he said.

The former senior KPK investigator hopes that through the FGD, excise problems in Indonesia can be absorbed and the National Police Task Force can contribute to finding solutions.

"And of course all the existing potentials (corruption) can be anticipated and dismissed or closed," he said.

Yudi Purnomo Harahap, a member of the Corruption Prevention Task Force at the National Police Headquarters, added that corruption prevention is a direct order from the National Police Chief, General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who wants the National Police to be involved in efforts to support government programs that are strengthening economic growth, in this case the excise sector.

The former chairman of the KPK Employee Forum said that with the improvement in excise governance, it would certainly create efficiency and effectiveness in the acceptance of state finances from excise and at the same time avoid irregularities and misappropriation.

"This FGD is important so that we can understand and map issues related to excise in Indonesia," said Yudi.

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