SUMENEP - Sumenep Regency Government (Pemkab), East Java, distributed government food aid packages to 27,163 stunting risk families in the region to prevent stunting in children.
Regent Sumenep Achmad Fauzi said the food aid packages provided were in the form of chicken and eggs.
"Recipients of this assistance are spread across 27 sub-districts and gifts are delivered directly through each sub-district and village head," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.
The launch of the distribution of aid has been symbolically carried out by the Head of the Sumenep Regency PKK Mobilization Team, Nia Kurnia Fauzi, in Batuan District, Sumenep, Wednesday (3/5) and then distributed to 26 other sub-districts in turn.
"The assistance of chicken and eggs is a form of government concern, in the context of handling stunting cases in Sumenep Regency," said PKK TP Chairperson Sumenep Nia Kurnia Fauzi.
DIA hopes that the government assistance program can reduce stunting rates (child growth and development failure due to malnutrition), so that cases decrease in Sumenep Regency.
The program to reduce stunting rates is given to families who are at risk of stunting, namely pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children aged two to three years, by receiving assistance in the form of 1 kilogram of chicken meat and 10 eggs for each family.
"Families risk stunting receiving chicken and egg meat assistance for three months, and the assistance is expected to be really useful for recipients in reducing stunting rates in the regions," he explained.
According to data from the Health Office of the Sumenep Regency Government, the stunting rate in this district in 2022 will reach 21.6 percent of the total number of children in the region, or a decrease of 7.4 percent compared to 2021 which reached 29.0 percent.
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