The rain that flushed Bogor, Wednesday afternoon, caused the water level (TMA) of the Ciliwung River to be 130 centimeters (cm) or in standby for 3 floods in Jakarta. Based on a report from the Ciliwung supervisory at Katulampa Dam, TMA at 19.16 rose to 130 cm or in standby status 3. Head of Katulampa Dam, Andi Sudirman said, the increase in water height was due to quite evenly distributed in the Bogor area since 15:00 p.m. local time, TMA was still normal below 50 cm. It rose drastically during the rain, and is currently on standby 3.100 cm," Andi confirmed, Wednesday May 3. The increase, above 50 cm at around 18.00 p.m., then thirty minutes, rose to 60 cm to 90 cm (Alert 3) at 18.45 p.m., then 100 cm at 19.13 p.m. Andi estimates, TMA Ciliwung will still rise, considering the rainfall is still high upstream of Ciliwung in Puncak, Cisarua. "It is estimated that around 10 to 12 hours, the Ciliwung flow will arrive downstream Jakarta and its surroundings," said Andi.
For this reason, he also appealed to people along the banks and downstream of the Jakarta area to remain vigilant. Meanwhile, the Panus Water Gate, Depok is still normal below 125 cm. Likewise, the Manggarai Water Gate is reported to have no increase in water discharge, 615 cm or still in a normal position.
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