MATARAM - Two children, Maiza (16) and Algi (14), died after being dragged by the waves and drowned in the tourist area of Setangi Beach, Malacca Village, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, at 17.10 WITA, Tuesday, April 25.
Public Relations of the Mataram Search and Rescue Office (SAR) I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda, confirmed the incident based on reports received from the police.
"Based on the report we received, the two victims came from the Karang Genteng neighborhood, Pagutan Village, Mataram City," he said.
Based on the information received, he said, the incident began when the two victims and several of their friends departed from home to Setangi Beach for a vacation, at 16.00 WITA.
They arrived at the scene at 17.10 WITA. Then the two victims and their friends on behalf of Kamil (16), decided to swim at the beach, but not long after that Maiza and Algi were dragged by the big waves.
Seeing his two friends dragged by the waves into the middle of the sea, Kamil tried to swim into the middle of the sea to save his friend, but almost drowned because he was dragged by the waves.
Kamil then shouted for help. Two of his friends who were on the beach heard the screams, so they tried to seek help by reporting the incident to the Pangkalangan Beach Ploting Post, Team 2 which is about 5 kilometers from the scene.
Members of the Air and Air Police, the NTB Police, together with personnel from the Bangsal SAR Post, and other potential SARs conducted a search for the two victims who drowned.
"At 18.15 WITA, the two victims were found dead. The victim was evacuated to the Nipah Health Center, Pemenang District, North Lombok Regency," said Lanang.
He added that the information obtained from the joint SAR team, the weather conditions at the scene were raining heavily, affecting the sea waves to enlarge.
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