
JAKARTA - Some areas in Jakarta, Depok and Bekasi experienced blackout problems on Sunday afternoon, November 2. Power outages caused by heavy rain accompanied by lightning.

SRM General Affairs PLN UID Jakarta Raya, Emir Muhaimin, said that heavy rain accompanied by lightning caused a number of 500 KV Extra High Voltage Airways (SUTET) to experience disruption since 12.58 WIB.

"PLN apologizes for the power outages experienced by some areas of Jakarta," said Emir in a written statement, Sunday, November 1.

Emir explained that PLN will carry out normalization by gradually moving the electricity load to other networks. Currently, the team is carrying out checks and improvements to speed up the recovery of the electricity system.

"The normalization process continues. We will immediately notify any developments related to the recovery process," he said.

For information, a number of areas affected by the blackout are scattered in a number of areas. In South Jakarta, the electricity went out in the Ampera, Mampang, Kuningan and surrounding areas.

In North Jakarta, the electricity went out in the Sunter, Cilincing and surrounding areas. In South Jakarta, it is located in Condet, Makasar, Jatinegara, and its surroundings. In Central Jakarta, you have electricity in the Menteng area. Then, in Bekasi, the electricity went out in Rawalumbu, Jatiwarna and its surroundings.

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