
JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati shared the dangers of being the manager of state finances. Various temptations will be faced, one of which is the issue of bribery.

Sri also reminded that STAN graduates who will work as state civil servants (ASN) will later manage state finances to uphold integrity in the management of state finances. This is because the money that is managed is state money obtained from public funds.

"You work in the field of state finance. This is the money of the people, the nation, the state, not our money, not our ancestors' money and not money for our own children and grandchildren," he said, during his remarks at the 2020 PKN STAN Grand Graduation Ceremony in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 14th.

This state treasurer said that state money which is managed properly, can provide welfare to the community. However, the money can also be a temptation and create a slip if the person managing it lacks integrity.

Furthermore, Sri said, integrity is something that cannot be bought and sold because it can describe a person's character. When integrity is mortgaged, a person is no longer valuable because it can be paid in bribes. He also reminded us to always pray in order to avoid the temptation of money.

"You are no longer valuable even though you face the possibility of being given a bribe. The value could be millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions even billions. However, it is not traded," he said.

Sri said that the temptation of bribe money was something that really happened and could be found in this life. Because of that, he asked again, to always maintain integrity.

"Always know to be grateful and grateful. Because it is the nature of soft skills that are very important for you to be able to live your life in the world of work," he said.

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