JAKARTA - Busy with activities as a notary and entrepreneur, Fahri Azmi doesn't want to just leave the entertainment world that has made his name. The 27-year-old actor still has a desire to continue his career in the film industry.
Unmitigated, Fahri Amzi wants to continue working as a producer, after previously successfully producing a series entitled Bidadari With Bening's Eyes, starring Ari Irham and Zoe Abbas Jackson.
Aku di 2023 kemarin sempat jadi produser series juga, judulnya Bidadari Bermata Bening, tayangnya di VIU Original, yang mainnya Ari Ilham. Jadi, itu jadi kesempatan buat saya juga menjadi seorang produser," ujar Fahri Azmi saat dihubungi VOI pada Senin, 5 Juni.
Fahri said the opportunity to become a film producer was an opportunity for him to continue to grow. Claiming to be addicted to being a producer, Fahri even intends to produce a film where he also plays.
Maybe later I will play in films, which I will produce too. So, if yesterday there was a producer series, maybe later I will produce more films or series which may also be a player," said Fahri.
"Because I was addicted to being a film producer. It turned out that the producer of the series or film made me look like 'Wow, it's really fun behind the scenes'," he continued.
Fahri hopes to realize his desire to become a producer as well as an actor in the same work at the end of this year.
For now, Fahri admits that he is busy with his culinary business. This work made him unable to accept the offer to play in soap operas, even though he admitted that he missed returning to appear on the small screen.
From the many offers that have come recently, Fahri admitted that he only accepted the offer to become an advertising star, which in fact did not need to take much time for the shooting process.
"The acting offer is still there, but I'm still focused on business. I really want to take the actual soap opera, but I know myself, I have to be aware that if I take the soap opera, I'm afraid that my business will not focus," said Fahri Azmi.
"At least yesterday I shot advertisements for several advertisements, there were providers, there were brands. So yes, if the advertisements are shooting, it won't take long, it's only finished one day, so I can focus on business again," he said.
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