JAKARTA - Good communication is the key to getting a healthy relationship, whether in family relationships, friendship or romance. So that the wishes of both parties can be achieved correctly, good and clear communication is needed so that no party is hurt.
Even so, good communication is sometimes difficult. This can lead to things that are not desirable to happen, such as misunderstandings that can lead to quarrels.
So, how to communicate well? Reporting from various sources, here are some ways that can be followed so that the relationship becomes healthy.
In a relationship, being a good listener is a crucial thing, reported by Forbes Health, Tuesday, May 16. When you can't catch the meaning of your partner, you can listen well to your partner for instructions, both from explicit and implicit words. It is important for you to be able to catch these two clues.
Sometimes, your partner just wants to tell stories to express feelings and feel heard by you. Your partner just needs a place or outlet to express all his feelings. To avoid unwanted things, you can ask if your partner wants to hear a solution. If not, don't give unwanted opinions.
Intimacy is not just a matter of sexual intercourse. Intimacy can be obtained by creating moments of closeness to a partner, reported by Better Health Channel. Through the ability to entertain and be entertained as well as open and honest communication. Meanwhile, acts of intimacy can be as simple as bringing a partner a cup of tea because you know your partner is tired.
Marriage Advice suggests that important and non-essential topics of conversation should be discussed face-to-face. Face-to-face conversations are one of the most effective ways of communicating in a relationship.
Phone calls, text and emails only leave a way out because sometimes it's not clear. It's easy to misunderstand what someone says, especially in text and email. The forms of communication of this relationship have a purpose but having meaningful conversations are not one of them.
When communicating, don't raise your tone to convey your opinion or arguments. Even if you're in an argument, try to keep your head cool.
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