YOGYAKARTA - Savitri Jindal proved that a woman can also be included in the list of the richest people in the world. This steel entrepreneur from India managed to become the richest woman in his country and Asia. What is Savitri Jindal's profile like and how much is her wealth?
Savitri Jindal ranks 94th in Forbes' list of the richest people in the world. Savitri is listed as the richest woman in India and Asia as of Saturday 13 May. Savitri's wealth is a conglomerate owner of the giant iron producer Jindal Group.
Savitri Jindal was born in Tinsudia, Assam, India, on March 20, 1950. Savitri grew up to be a traditional Indian woman, whose job views are housewives. Savitri did not attend college.
At the age of 15, Savitri Jindal was matched with Om Prakash in the 1970s. Om Prakash himself is the ex-husband of Savitri's older brother, Vidya Devi, who died. Savitri and Om Prakash have a long relationship, namely 20 years apart.
Om Prakash is a Minister of Electricity and successful entrepreneur who founded the OP Jindal Group in 1952. His company is engaged in the manufacturing and energy industry sector. The company, headquartered in New Delhi, produces steel, mines, and power plants.
Om Prakash and his family were able to hoard wealth from operating the OP Jindal Group. The company also owns shares in a number of companies, such as JSW Steel, JSW Energy, Jindal Steel & Power, Jindal Stainless, Jindal Saw, and JSW Holdings.
Apart from being an entrepreneur, Om Prakash is also active as a politician as a representative of the Indonesian National Congress Party (ICC) from the Hisar region on the Haryana Legislative Council. Meanwhile, Savitri Jindal gave birth to nine children and focused on managing the household.
In the midst of his business success, a tragic fate befell Om Prakash. He died in a helicopter crash in 2005. Before he died, Om Prakash had arranged the distribution of company ownership to his family, to his wife and four sons.
Savitri Jindal inherited the business empire of Om Prakash, after her husband died. Savitri became the leader of the Jindal Group and delegated the operations of four business lines to her four sons.
The largest shares of the Jindal Group company are held by Savitri Jindal. In addition, he also continues to coordinate so that his children support each other in doing business. JSW Steel, which is the company's largest business, is held by Sajjan Jindal who lives in Mumbai. The Jindal Steel & Power line is run by Navien Jindal, which is located in New Delhi.
Savitri Jindal's assets and her family were recorded at US$17.5 billion or around Rp259.87 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp14,850 per US dollar), according to a report from Forbes in May 2023.
Not only continuing her husband's efforts, Savitri Jindal also had time to continue her husband's political career. Savitri holds the position of representative of INC for the Hisar area at the Haryana Legislative Council.
Such is Savitri Jindal's profile and her family's wealth. Savitri Jindal became the richest woman in India and Asia thanks to the success of the Jindal Group company which she inherited from her husband. As a conglomerate, Savitri is also active in the social sector by establishing a foundation to formulate for the poor.
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