
JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance of West Papua said the West Papua Province Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus) in 2024 amounting to Rp1.75 trillion had been distributed 100 percent to eight local governments.

Head of the Development Section for the IIA Budget Implementation of the Regional Office of the West Papua Ministry of Finance, Rudy Novianto, said the funds had been transferred to each regional general cash account.

"In a timeline, in December everything must be distributed with or without conditions," said Rudy as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 14.

He explained that the total Special Autonomy Fund distributed to the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Papua reached Rp843.89 billion, the Manokwari Regency Government (Pemkab) was Rp168.23 billion, and the Fakfak Regency Government was Rp109.36 billion.

Then, the Bintuni Bay Regency Government Rp169.17 billion, the Wondama Bay Regency Government Rp143.35 billion, the Kaimana Regency Government Rp95.98 billion, the Arfak Mountains Regency Government Rp135.66 billion and the South Manokwari Regency Government Rp86.48 billion.

"Indeed, the Special Autonomy Fund must all be distributed to each local government," he said.

Rudy explained that the Special Autonomy Fund is divided into three components, namely the Special Autonomy Fund is general in nature (block grant), the Special Autonomy Fund whose use has been determined (specific grant), and the Infrastructure Additional Fund (DTI).

DJPb strives for local governments to improve the performance of the management and distribution of the Special Autonomy Fund according to the specified time so that the use of the welfare development of indigenous Papuans is maximized.

"We hope that the local government will optimize the use of the activity program that has been set," explained Rudy.

According to him, the use of the Special Autonomy Fund which is less than optimal has an impact on delaying the implementation of the welfare development program for indigenous Papuans, and increasing the remaining budget financing (SiLPA).

Local governments should improve the governance of the Special Autonomy Fund, starting from the program planning system, implementation and utilization, to the rest of use in a transparent manner so that it can be known to the public.

"Why so much potential for SilPA? Because, discussing budget plans and programs is often delayed. Like it or not, we have to distribute everything," said Rudy.

Previously, the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK) of the Ministry of Finance noted that the total SilPA Special Autonomy Fund 2023 for all local governments in West Papua Province was approximately Rp208.6 billion.

The SiLPA Special Autonomy Fund is common (block grant) managed by the provincial government to be the highest at IDR 28.8 billion, and the lowest managed by the Arfak Mountains Regency Government is IDR 507 million.

Then, the SILPA Special Autonomy Fund, which has been determined to use the highest specific grant, is managed by the Manokwari Regency Government with IDR 29.4 billion, and the lowest is the Arfak Mountains Regency Government with IDR 507 million.

"For SilPA DTI in the framework of the highest Special Autonomy for the West Papua Provincial Government, it is worth Rp. 39.3 billion," said the Ministry of Finance's Central and Regional Government Financial Analysis of the Ministry of Finance, Sutarto.

He said the average absorption of the 2023 Special Autonomy Fund budget by the provincial government and seven districts in West Papua was recorded at 89.9 percent and this realization needed to be increased in order to realize the welfare of the community while suppressing SiLPA.

Efforts need to be made are to increase the timeliness of the distribution of special autonomy funds, namely the first stage 30 percent (by April), the second stage 45 percent (to June at the latest) and the third stage 35 percent ( no later than November).

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