
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) sent the clean water infrastructure and facilities needed for flood victims in Pesisir Selatan Regency and Padang City, West Sumatra Province.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said, in the emergency response period the most important thing is the availability of clean water facilities and infrastructure as well as sanitation for daily needs for victims and refugees.

"The Ministry of PUPR seeks to distribute clean water, especially in public places. We also use the nearest drinking water treatment plant (IPA) and IPA mobile to supply clean water to various points," Basuki said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, March 13.

Meanwhile, Head of the West Sumatra Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) Maria Duni Isa said the facilities and emergency responses that had been distributed were in the form of 11 units of public hydrants that had been fully installed.

"Meanwhile, for water tankers currently, a total of 2 units have been operating, with details of 1 unit serving around Painan and 1 unit serving around Barung Balantai and an additional 1 unit on the way to Pesisir Selatan," he said.

For the distribution of public hydrants, Duni said as many as 6 units of HU from the West Sumatra BPPW were distributed to several location points, namely 2 units at the Ikhlasul Munawwarah Akanan Batang Kapas Mosque, 2 units for SMAN 1 Batang Kapas and 2 units at the Aqsha Mosque, Bungo Pasang.

"(A total of) 10 units of HU from the Padang Depo Center are distributed to several points, namely 1 unit in front of Pasar Barung Balantai, 2 units in Nagari Barung South Coast and 2 units in Musala Multazam Barung South Coast and 5 units are in the installation stage," he said.

As for March 8, 2024, 3 units of public hydrants (HU) with a capacity of 1,500 liters have been prepared for 3 location points to Salido Hamlet. In addition, 5 public hydrants with a capacity of 25,000 liters have been installed for 5 points in Bungo Hamlet and 3 points in Sago Hamlet with a total HU capacity of 1,500 liters.

Meanwhile, in Batang Kapas Village, Batang Kapas District, there are also a total of 4 points for installing 2 public hydrant units with a capacity of 1,000 liters with the location of placement of HU at the munawarah mosque and 2 public hydrants (1,000 liters) at SMA 1 Batang Kapeh.

Furthermore, on March 11, 2024, clean water assistance was sent at the Barung-Barung Balantai location, the city of XI, Tarusan District, for 6 HU. It is known, the total capacity reaches 12,000 liters.

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