
JAKARTA - The Success Challenge Diplomat (DSC) is back in 2023 as a strengthening movement (movement) for sustainable entrepreneurship. In order to have a wider reach for the younger generation of Indonesia, DSC Season 14 adds a business capital grant of IDR 2.5 billion, so that it can #Work for Indonesia and support national economic growth.

The initial moment of opening registration this time is also an affirmation of DSC as a pioneer who supports the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Indonesia.

"Young successful entrepreneurs must have 3P DNA, namely Paham, Piawai, and Persona," said Founding Father and Chairman of the DSC Dekom, Surjanto Yasaputra at the kick-off event as well as the official launch of the DSC #BerkaryaUntukIndonesia movement at Mbloc Space, Tuesday, June 13.

In addition to focusing on work for Indonesia, DSC Season 14 also pays attention to the use of local materials. Through innovation, the younger generation is expected to be able to provide added value for its products, as well as a strong commitment to sustainability.

"Business is now no longer just generating profits, but can have a positive impact on environmental conservation and social life of the surrounding community," said the Board of Commissioners of the DSC Season 14, Helmy Yahya.

DSC Season 14 is different, because there is an interesting phase after the national selection is complete, namely the bootscamp period to foster discipline. Entrepreneurs will also go through an entrepreneurship incubation period from other successful young entrepreneurs such as lead coach (M. Jupaka, Nilam Sari, Andanu Prasetyo) and guest coach (Hendoko Hendroyono, Arief Budiman, Nova Dewi Setiabudi). In addition, there is also the opportunity to expand business and network through the alumni community of Diplomat Success Challenge, namely Diplomat Entrepreneur Network (DEN).

"The advantage of participating in DSC is that entrepreneurs can develop skills and knowledge in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship through training, mentoring by coaches, and practical experience from the success of other entrepreneurs," said the Board of Commissioners of DSC Season 14, Antarina SF Amir.

"DSC is optimistic that it can reach a wider number of prospective participants to submit more than 25,000 proposals, from 2022 around 23,000. Don't forget to register before September 16, 2023," said Edric Chandra, initiator Program.

DSC Season 14 Ready to Welcoming Candidates for Creative and Innovative Entrepreneurships DSC Season 14 invites young Indonesian entrepreneurs to be ready to realize the vision of business and #BerkaryaUntukIndonesia. Immediately register yourself and your ideas before September 16, 2023. All requirements & details, details and competition flows, as well as platforms to register with DSC 2023 can be accessed through the website www.diplomat sukses.com.

The date regarding DSC 2023 can be seen on social media timelines, Instagram @diplomat sukses, Facebook Wismilak Diplomat, Twitter @diplomat_hasil, and website www.diplomat sukses.com.

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