MSMEs Are Encouraged To Take Advantage Of Digital For Business Development
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)


The government through the Ministry of Cooperatives (Kemenkop) stated that the development of local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) should actually be supported by massive technological advances.

Head of the Facilitation Division of Micro Enterprises at the Ministry of Cooperatives, Berry Fauzi, said that on this basis, MSME actors are expected to adapt digitally to reach more people.

"This needs to be intensified to take potential from economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic," he said in a written statement today, Friday, May 19.

According to Berry, the digitization process in fact not only helps MSMEs to reach more buyers, but can bring local business entrepreneurs to a more professional level.

"One of the digitalization efforts that can be done by MSMEs is to take advantage of the e-commerce platform," he said.

Therefore, Berry continued, his party encourages MSME players to use the marketplace network to market their products during the pandemic. As stated in the MSME Empowerment Report 2022 report.

"As much as 40 percent of MSMEs use social media, 38 percent use instant messaging, use e-commerce 13 percent, and ride-hailing 5 percent," he said.

Berry added, in order to answer these various challenges, the government cooperates with the private sector to support the local MSME support program, including training and mentoring programs.

"We invite Tokopedia and Adaro Indonesia to conduct business training to business actors, especially in the Kalimantan region. In this program, fostered business actors receive intensive training and assistance through Filantra Indonesia regarding tips on developing their business online through the Tokopedia platform for three months," he explained.

Berry revealed that one of the MSME actors who received benefits from the training was Arsani as the owner of Pasak Bumi Coffee from Tabalong, South Kalimantan. Arsani admitted that he was grateful to be able to absorb any knowledge conveyed during training.

Arsani said, Pasak Bumi Coffee has been established since 2014. Its products are very popular with the public and even were sold to several retail stores, such as Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

"After attending the training, there was an increase in business of around 40 percent. Previously, production was around 300 kg/month, now 500 kg more per month," said Arsani.

Even though it is quite advanced compared to before, Arsani still anticipates every challenge in the midst of competition with a number of other MSMEs. For him, there is always a new opportunity in the future.

"I myself am not a businessman but I can create people who make businesses so that businesses keep running without me in it," he concluded.

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