
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Food BUMD PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya opened and inaugurated the sixth Rice House called the Beras Solusi Bersama House, on Jl. Kemang Sari Raya No. 1 Jati Keramat, Jati Asih Bekasi, Thursday 18 May.

The inauguration of the Beras Solusi Bersama Rice House outlet is the sixth Rice House Outlet which was inaugurated by the Food Station as DKI Jakarta Food BUMD in collaboration with the private sector, in this case with Dion Arochman Widjanarko as the owner of the outlet.

Director of Finance and General Affairs of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Budi Santoso who was present representing the inauguration of the Beras Solusi Bersama House in his speech said that he was very grateful that PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya as DKI Jakarta BUMD could cooperate with capital buffer areas such as Bekasi.

"Hopefully the presence of Solusi Bersama rice house can be felt and provide benefits to the community around Jatikramat Village, Jati Asih District," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

On a different occasion, the President Director of Food Station Pamrihadi Wiraryo stated that the presence of Rice Houses in several areas not only sells rice but also sells other basic necessities such as sugar, wheat flour, cooking oil and others.

The various products sold include Medium Rice, Oilita Rp13,500/liter, FS Jasmine Rice 5kg Rp68,500 per sack, FS Sego Pulen 5 kg Rp67,450 per sack, FS Long Grain 5 kg Rp54,000 per sack, FS Long Grain Red 5 kg Rp67,000 per sack, FS Long Grain 2.5 kg Rp34,000 per sack, 1 kg flour Rp13,000, FS white sugar 1 kg Rp13,400, FS Sugar Crystal Orange Rp13,500.

Then, in addition to rice, this outlet also sells imported beef at a price of 1 kg Rp. 91,000 and chicken at a selling price of 29,500.

According to him, through the presence of this rice house outlet, the Food Station wants to synergize widely in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. This is in accordance with the direction of PJ Governor Heru Budi Hartono so that the presence as a BUMD is increasingly felt by Jakarta residents. Thus, more people can be reached and feel the close access to the location of the distribution of quality food and basic needs.

"Through the presence of this outlet, we want to grow together with SMEs and get closer to the surrounding community to meet their needs and ultimately help control inflation," said Pamrihadi.

The owner of the Joint Solusi Rice House, Dion Arochman Wijanarko, said that the presence of this rice house is expected to meet the needs of quality staple foodstuffs and affordable prices for the surrounding community.

"Not to forget, we would like to thank PT Food Station for supporting and cooperating with the private sector to maintain food security in Jakarta and its surrounding areas," he said in accordance with the inauguration of outlets and the provision of compensation for orphans around the location.

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