JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said, the existence of tourist villages is not only a tourist destination but also has an impact on increasing the economy and open employment opportunities. "This tourist village has entered into the concept of increasing the economy in terms of job creation where there are 4.4 million jobs that we will create in 2024. And this tourist village is the driving force and characteristics that are in accordance with the new, personal or private era tourism trend, which can be adjusted, has local uniqueness in small or easily accessible size. In addition, it is also strengthened by the level of financial literacy which also continues to rise, the access of the tourism village community to the financial sector is increasingly wide open thanks to collaboration from all parties. Sandiaga also appreciated the collaboration between the OJK and the Central Java Provincial Government which continues to increase public financial literacy and inclusion, especially in tourist villages. "KUR is one that must be encouraged, because this KUR access has almost reached 3 million debtors, but in these tourist villages we must continue to encourage," he said.
He also believes that through synergizing and collaborating, the economic recovery will continue and Indonesia's development will be accelerated. Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said his party continues to strive to increase public financial literacy.
Successful tourist villages and MSMEs in terms of financial inclusion including literacy at the local level will be displayed so that they can become role models for tourism village drivers or other MSME actors. "The others just need to imitate, there is no need to imagine," said Ganjar.
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