Spokesperson For The COVID-19 Task Force Coughs Then Ends The Press Conference Before Answering The Question, How Is The Condition?

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, ended a press conference on the developments in handling COVID-19 as of July 27, 2021, before answering questions from journalists.

Judging from the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Wiku ended the press conference after explaining the development of COVID-19 for almost 20 minutes.

Wiku did not have time to complete the explanation of questions about the government's efforts to increase the number of COVID-19 testing and tracing.

"The trend of the specimens examined, it is known that..." interrupted Wiku who then coughed. "While it can be stopped first", he continued.

Press conference impressions stopped for about two minutes. Before long, Wiku ended today's press conference.

"Okay, so thank you for your attention. Good afternoon", said Wiku.

VOI tried to contact Wiku via text message to inquire about his condition after ending the press conference which was stopped before questions were answered.

Responding to the message, Wiku admitted that his condition is currently in good health. However, he felt his throat dry from his busy activities.

"I'm actually in good health and fit. But I happened to feel a dry throat because I had a lot of activities before. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I will answer some questions directly via WhatsApp", said Wiku to VOI.

It is known that Wiku had contracted COVID-19 since Saturday, June 19, 2021. He was confirmed positive for 13 days and recovered on Friday, July 2.