On Bhakti Adhyaksa Day, Attorney General's Office Announces Achievements But Delivers Sad News

JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin showcased his work achievements on the 61st Adhyaksa Bhakti Day. Achievements ranging from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) which reached hundreds of billions to the prosecution of cases.

The first achievement on display was PNBP in the period from January to June 2021, it was recorded that the Prosecutor's Office received more than Rp300 billion.

"In the realization of PNBP in all areas of the Prosecutor's Office, it reached a total of more than Rp300 billion," said Burhanuddin in a mandate delivered at the Commemoration Ceremony of the 61st Adhyaksa Bhakti Day (HBA) in 2021 virtually from the Attorney General's office, at the Kartika Adhyaksa Tower Building, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 22.

Then, in the field of general crimes, Burhanuddin said hundreds of thousands of cases had been handled throughout the Attorney General's Office.

Of which, 56,987 cases have entered the prosecution stage and 43,962 are in the execution stage.

"For the implementation of online trials, the number of trials that have been carried out is 339,090 trials. The achievement for stopping prosecutions based on restorative justice is 46 cases," he said.

Meanwhile, in the special crime section, Burhanuddin said that during 2021 around 2,957 have been handled. Thousands of cases were divided into several stages.

"The number of handling cases that have been carried out is at the investigation stage of 860 cases, the investigation stage of 847 cases, the prosecution stage of 645 cases, and the execution stage of 605 people," he said.

From the cases handled by investigators, various assets have also been confiscated. In fact, the nominal reached Rp14 trillion.

"The confiscation of assets has also been carried out with an estimated value of more than Rp14 trillion," said Burhanuddin.

After showing off various achievements, Burhanuddin slipped sad news for all ranks of the Adhyaksa Corps. This news is related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Around 52 prosecutors' employees have died due to COVID-19 until July 16, 2021. The details are 38 of them are prosecutors, and 14 are administrative employees.

From existing records, a total of 52 prosecutors' employees have died, consisting of 38 prosecutors and 14 administrative employees as of July 16, 2021," said Burhanuddin.

According to him, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia in March 2021, many people have been infected and died, including many Adhyaksa people who have been exposed.

Until now, said Burhanuddin, several Adhyaksa people are struggling to recover from exposure to COVID-19. For that, he also provides support for Adhyaksa people wherever they are.

"Hopefully he recovers quickly and returns to his activities," he said.

As for those who have died, Burhanuddin also invites all Adhyaksa people to pray that the deceased and the deceased who have faced the Creator will be accepted for their deeds of worship.

"Let us pray that the deceased and the deceased are accepted by all their deeds of worship, forgiven all their sins, and get the best place in the side of God the Most Gracious and Most Merciful," said Burhanuddin.