Overcome Leaks, Apple Requires Employees To Use Body Cameras

JAKARTA – The latest iPhone or MacBook product is probably the most leaked device on the internet. Now according to a report, Apple is asking some employees to wear cameras on their bodies in an effort to crackdown on product and information leaks.

According to an exclusive report by Front Page Tech, certain Apple employees have been asked to wear body cameras while working. The move comes in an effort to stop employees from leaking new products and information and "to ensure that its hardware trade secrets stay out of the hands of leakers".

The reported new security measures only apply to certain product teams. This means that Apple will ask employees on the teams working on the new software and hardware to use the cameras, rather than retail store employees. With employees wearing body cameras, Apple will be able to review footage from employees and monitor any suspicious behavior.

Front Page Tech provides information about which cameras Apple employees will use. Supposedly, Apple would require employees to wear "police-grade" body cameras similar to the Axon Body 2, which is widely used throughout US law enforcement.

It's a bit ironic that Apple's new security measures to prevent leaks have actually leaked. Maybe this is the bait and trap to try and identify leakers, or maybe Apple's security is really bad.

Apple really hates leaks, as the company has proven it over the years. Steve Jobs told interviewers that he would "better quit" than ignore the whistleblower when an iPhone was found in a bar in 2010. In recent years, Tim Cook has warned of harsh penalties against Apple employees who leak information.

A recent letter to leakers and render artists asking them to stop publishing leaks, explains why Apple hates leaks so much. According to the letter, Apple does not want its secrets to be disclosed to its competitors.

This, of course, makes sense and is a key business tactic. If you want to outperform your competitors, don't let them know what you're doing. Nonetheless, the new safety measures requiring certain teams to wear body cameras seem a bit redundant.

Over the past week, we've heard leakers and render artists report that they've received letters from Apple asking them to stop leaking new products. With the alleged new body camera security measures, it seems that Apple is working to stop the leaks.