Agus Andrianto Asks His Staff To Not Be Arrogant During PPKM, Exemplify Politeness In A City Led By Gibran

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police will take firm action against the spread of false information or hoaxes that could interfere with the government's efforts to deal with COVID-19.

"If a person-to-person violation applies RJ (Restorative Justice) and Circular of the National Police Chief. But if it interferes with the government's efforts in handling COVID-19, this is a decisive action", said the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, Komjen Agus Andrianto, to the ranks during a virtual meeting at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta South, Tuesday, July 20.

"Don't let this community be confused by the many fake news that are developing in the community", he continued.

Regarding the implementation of Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM), Agus continued, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, National Police Chief reminded all members of the police not to be arrogant to the community and counter productive in implementing Emergency PPKM.

"Please remind the ranks so that all lines are not arrogant to the community. Like the example in Solo, which uses regional languages and is more persuasive", explained Agus.

Agus said as long as traders implement social distancing, selling is allowed. Unless, it has violated the specified operating hours.

For officers, Agus added, they must check every day related to the distribution and availability of drugs and oxygen.

"The National Police Chief reminds that the National Police is ready to assist in the distribution of social assistance to every area most affected", said Agus.

In addition, Agus instructed all his staff to oversee and secure the absorption of capital expenditures in provinces, regencies and cities. Because according to him, there are still many provinces who are hesitant to absorb the budget and capital expenditures in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Agus asked the Criminal Investigation Department to be really wise in handling related cases. He said that monitoring and securing the absorption of this budget could cooperate with Forkopimda and Ministries/Agencies.

"If there is a slight error, it must be handled wisely, the most important thing is that the state's economy rotates and the budget can be fully absorbed", he said.

In fact, Agus said, the National Police Chief has ordered the ranks to provide assistance to regional heads so that they do not hesitate to absorb the budget.

"The National Police Chief has opened the space as wide as possible for regional officials in the region to file complaints. If there are colleagues who commit criminalization, Profession and Security Division will investigate", said Agus.