DKI Provincial Government Urges Ancol To Open Clarification On Mangkrak Projects

Head of the Regional Owned Enterprise Development Agency (BP BUMD) Nasruddin Djoko Sudjono said that his party had urged PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol to clarify openly about the chaos of stalled projects.

"I have conveyed it, please convey the results of the calculation from Ancol," said Nasruddin when met at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday, June 13.

Nasrudin said that the business entity whose majority shares are owned by the DKI Provincial Government had previously explained the problem of stalled assets to BP BUMD. However, Nasrudin does not want the DKI Provincial Government to clarify the matter to the public.

"That was asked to Ancol, yes, because it turned out to be an old case too. We asked Ancol to clarify it," he said.

Some time ago, former President and Independent Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Thomas Trikasih Lembong said a number of projects in the Ancol area had stalled due to the inability to manage assets.

The former Head of the Investment Coordinating Board alluded to the management of ABC Mall or Ancol Beach City, which is located in the Carnival Beach area of Ancol, to its poor quality construction. The asset operations, which are managed by these two sharing entrepreneurs, were forced to stagnate due to internal conflicts.

"Even though this mall used to be prestige because it was the location for a concert of a number of international musicians. Then the fight between the two businessmen, finally stalled," said the man who had served as Minister of Trade some time ago to reporters.

In addition, there was a dispute over Sea World Ancol's assets until it was tried at the Supreme Court (MA). The construction of this acrium is the result of Ancol's partnership with Lippo Group which initially went well and ended in a dispute. It was Ancol who won the trial at the Supreme Court.

"Ancol is not developing. Many projects failed, stalled, or had problems in Ancol," said Thomas.

Not only that, the Indonesian Ombudsman has also issued a letter of recommendation for maladministration related to the cooperation agreement between PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and several parties. Namely related to the existence of state assets unilaterally, even though there is a state financial loss.