352 Members Of The PSHT Silat College Were Secured By The Impact Of Clashes With PSIM Yogyakarta Supporters

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Police (DI) arrested 352 people related to clashes between the mass of the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood Silat Education (PSHT) with Brajamusti, the PSIM football club supporters group.

Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda DIY Kombes Pol Nuredy Irwansyah Putra mengatakan tawuran itu terjadi di sejumlah titik di wilayah Kota Yogyakarta pada Minggu 4 Juni malam.

"Security aims to prevent the masses from becoming victims or being perpetrators," he said during a press conference at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters, Monday, June 5.

Hundreds of people who were arrested were a group of PSHT groups from the Yogyakarta area and some from Central Java, such as Klaten Regency, Solo City, and Boyolali Regency.

"Here we will collect the data and later we will return them so that they can return to their activities," he said.

Head of Public Relations of the Yogyakarta Regional Police, Kombes Pol Nugroho Arianto, explained that the friction of the PSHT pencak silat college group and the mass of Bhajamusti football supporters was motivated by the case that previously occurred at Villa Rangdo Parangdok, Parangtritis, Bantul Regency on May 28, 2023.

In the case in Bantul, he said, one of the PSHT sympathizers was persecuted by a number of people suspected of being Blajamusti sympathizers.

Nugroho confirmed that the case had been handled by the Bantul Police and that three suspects had been named.

Over time, on Sunday, June 4, a group of PSHT Timur Region moved from the East Prambanan area to the Bantul Police, intending to ask the truth about the determination of the three suspects.

However, the PSHT group convoy journey changed direction towards the mess or guesthouse of the Brajamusti group and led to the city of Yogyakarta, resulting in clashes with local residents.

"We carried out security on two sides, but with time it also disturbed local residents so that there was friction," he said, quoted by Antara.

The brawl between the two groups of masses occurred in at least two locations, namely on Jalan Kenari, Yogyakarta City at 17.00 WIB then spread on Jalan Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta City from 18.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB.

"Alhamdulillah, last night until dawn we carried out one activity and were able to evacuate the "PH" group to be brought to the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters because we prioritized the safety of our bodies and bodies and collected data," he said.

Previously, the Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan on Monday, June 5 in the morning, confirmed that the situation in Yogyakarta was under control after the incident.

In addition, the leadership of PSHT and the Brajamusti Supporter group have met and declared an agreement to make peace at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters.