
Deputy Chairperson of PAN Viva Yoga Mauladi believes President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will not abuse power or abuse of power in cawa-cawe in the 2024 election.

"I believe Mr. President Jokowi will not abuse power or abuse power by using state facilities or mobilizing state institutions for political purposes. I believe that President Jokowi will not do this," said Viva, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

Juridically, he said, there are no rules and laws that prohibit President Jokowi's attitude in participating in the elections. This is also especially what is in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

"Ethically, no norms and proprieties have been violated," he said.

According to Viva, Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections has clearly regulated the mechanisms, procedures and processes for the presidential election. Thus, the president does not have the authority to nominate figures, but it becomes the constitutional right of political parties that pass the parliamentary threshold or parliamentary threshold as much as 4 percent in the DPR.

"All are free to go forward and be elected in the presidential election. There is no restriction, suppression or intervention of irregularities," he explained.

Viva actually said that there was no prohibition for President Jokowi in inviting government coalition parties to discuss and exchange ideas at the State Palace. For this reason, he asked other parties not to get carried away by the feeling (baper) of seeing the incident.

He also explained that the coalition process of parties is certainly a mandatory presidential threshold requirement where the threshold for votes that must be obtained by political parties to be able to nominate a presidential candidate (candidate) and a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) is around 20 percent of the seats in the DPR RI. Meanwhile, Viva saw that PDIP could carry the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs alone compared to other parties that had to form a coalition.

Not only that, he also felt that the meeting between Jokowi and the government coalition parties at the Palace raised concerns from the government antithesis group. Viva said the results of the Populi Center survey stated that the level of public satisfaction with the government was still high at around 74.5 percent.

The survey will certainly have an electoral effect due to Jokowi's effect, thus making the opinion of character assassination (character assurance) against President Jokowi's figure on behalf of democracy. However, PAN hopes that President Jokowi will not be neutral towards elections.

"The president must also be involved and responsible so that the 2024 General Election runs in a Luber, Jurdil, safe, peaceful, and happy manner," said Viva.