Welcoming The 2023 Hajj, Ministry Of Religion Launches Mars Hajj Officers
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) released Mars Hajj Officers as encouragement and a reminder for Indonesian Hajj officers that they are guests of Allah.
"Gus Minister (Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas) wants every Hajj officer to be able to absorb the meaning of each of these mars lyrics," said Special Staff to the Minister of Religion (Menag) Wibowo Prasetyo, in a written statement, Tuesday, May 30.
According to Wibowo, there is pride if you can become a servant of dhuyufurrahman. But further from that, he said, the spirit of serving must continue to be in the officers during and after serving the Hajj pilgrims.
Every year, continued Wibowo, nearly 4,000 people become hajj officers and while on duty for Hajj, they are trained to be patient, honest, sincere, and sincere.
"Imagine if these 4,000 people can act like that while serving the country and can infect others. This is extraordinary," said Wibowo, quoted by Antara.
He also hopes that the officers instill in themselves that solemnity and devotion are their duty.
"Mars is expected to always be a reminder. Congratulations on duty, Indonesian Hajj officers," he said.
Here are the lyrics of Mars Hajj Officers:
When Allah Calls Ready The Soul And Raga Carry Out His Noble State Duties
Khidmat At Fellow Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims With The Spirit Of One Nation Together, Fulfill His Order
Serving God's Guests Is Our Task To Be Spread, Honest, Sincere, Sincere Is Our Attitude
By Hope Ridho Allah And Syafaat Rosulullah Indonesian Hajj Officers Are Always Ready