
SOLO - The rectorate of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Central Java conducted guidance to lecturers who were suspected of domestic violence (KDRT) some time ago.

"Mr. BW is a lecturer at UNS, yes, I don't know what the chronology is because it's seen from his son's tweet," said UNS Chancellor Jamal Wiwoho in Solo, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

He said the campus plan was to summon related lecturers through the faculty, namely the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).

"But of course I leave it entirely (to the person concerned, ed) because his business is related to domestic violence, but the principle that there are still problems in his household internally we carry out internal coaching," he said.

He said the process had permission to file for divorce. However, he did not know the cause.

"In general, if there are lecturers who have problems because for example we file for divorce, we seek to make mediation peace. So we serve, invite usually invite one first, his wife, if possible, can reconcile," he said.

Previously, a netizen told that his father, who was a lecturer at UNS, had committed domestic violence against his mother.

In fact, he told about the incident of violence in quite detail. He also linked his tweet to Gibran Rakabuming Raka's Twitter account. However, currently his tweet has been deleted by the person concerned.

In this regard, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the author had made a report to the police but his report has now been withdrawn.

"The report to the police has been withdrawn. I don't know what it means, I don't participate in family problems, but later if something goes wrong we will continue to accompany," he said.

Gibran also asked if the violence really occurred to immediately report it to the police.

"Yes, just report it so that it can be followed up. If there is assistance from the service," he said.

Reporter : Aries Wasita Widi Astuti