
MEULABOH - The West Aceh District Attorney's Office, Aceh has officially detained three suspects in the alleged corruption case of the MTQ location accumulation project worth Rp1.9 billion at the local district Islamic Sharia Service in 2020.

"We have detained these three suspects for the next 20 days at the Class II Meulaboh Penitentiary," said Head of the West Aceh District Attorney's Office, Siswanto, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 23.

The three suspects detained consisted of SA as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) at the Housing and Settlement Service (Perkim) of West Aceh Regency. Then MS as the executor of the activity and IS as the owner of the company.

The three were named as suspects after the West Aceh District Attorney found indications of state financial losses of more than Rp. 399 million, according to the results of an audit by the Aceh Province BPKP.

His party also found data on the work volume project according to the contract that should have been completed by partners of 12,358.87 cubic meters.

However, the volume of work done by partners is 9,029.63 cubic meters.

"The volume of accumulated work that is suspected to have not been carried out by partners is 3,329.24 cubic meters," Siswanto added.

Dalam kasus yang sedang dilakukan penyidikan tersebut juga terungkap, bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan penumpuk lokasi Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) Kabupaten Aceh Barat senilai Rp1,9 miliar diduga kuatnya dicairkan 100 persen sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan penumpuk selesai.

"According to the contract, the time for the MTQ location accumulation activities is 120 calendar days from September 1, 2020 to December 29, 2020," said Siswanto.

Selanjutnya pada tanggal 3 Desember 2020 antara tersangka SA selaku PPK dan tersangka MS selaku pelaksana pekerjaan penumpuk, dengan menggunakan CV. Berkah Mulya Bersama sepakat menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan tersebut sudah selesai 100 persen.

"Meanwhile, in the field, the new work is done at approximately 60 percent," said Siswanto.

With the consideration that the budget can be disbursed 100 percent in December 2020 considering the contract expires on December 29, 2020.

Then on December 22, 2020, a 100 percent payment of the Fund Disbursement Order (SP2D) was issued to the suspect MS's account, while the work was only around 60 percent.

Siswanto said that before the implementation of the activity carried out by CV Berkah Mulya Bersama, on September 18, 2020, a down payment disbursement of 30 percent or Rp572,744,700 had also been disbursed to the suspect MS's account.

Furthermore, on December 3, 2020, the suspect SA as PPK and the suspect MS as the executor of the pile work, using CV. Mulya Bersama's blessing agreed to state that the work had been completed 100 percent, while the work had only been done at around 60 percent.

The value of the accumulated contract is IDR 1,909,149,000, VAT IDR 173,559,000, PPH IDR 52,067,700, Infaq IDR 9,545,745, and the value for the implementation: IDR 1,673,976,555.

"Based on expert calculations from Teuku Umar University, the value carried out was Rp. 1,274,533,931.81, resulting in state losses based on the Audit of the Aceh representative BPKP of Rp. 399,442,623," said Siswanto.