
West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil will meet Husein Ali Rafsanjani, a state civil servant (ASN) of the Pangandaran Regency Government who resigned because he did not want to withdraw reports of alleged illegal levies (extortion) practices within the district government.

"The (about the ASN) Pangandaran, first I will meet the person today. I want to hear, but the facilitation media is always in one direction. I have also heard from the first version of the (Regency Government) Pangandaran," said Ridwan Kamil at the Sate building, Bandung City, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

Ridwan Kamil said that his party had also listened to an explanation from the Panggandaran Regency Government regarding the incident.

"I want to hear from two sides and I have also heard from the (Government) version of Pangandaran Regency," he added.

Husein Ali Rafsanjani (27), a young ASNguru in Pangandaran Regency, chose to resign as a local district government ASN because he did not want to withdraw reports of alleged extortion practices he experienced in the Pangandaran Regency Government.

Through social media, Husein told that the incident began in 2020, when he, who had just received a letter of assignment as an ASN at the Pangandaran Regency Government, had to take part in basic training in Bandung City.

Husein said that he was required to pay transportation money of Rp. 270 thousand to attend training, even though the cost of activities had been budgeted. Then, when the basic exercise was running, the participants were also asked to pay Rp. 310 thousand again for what it was intended for.

Ridwan Kamil said that Husein's transportation money levy had been informed to other participants for basic training and agreed on the amount.

"This has been informed between the participants. How much, that figure was issued. The figure is not from the (Regency Government) of Pangandaran, but from his army friends. It just came out that much," said Ridwan Kamil.