Sexual Violence: When Teachers Become A Source Of Power For Children

JAKARTA Cases of sexual violence by K (50), Koran teachers in Kapanewon Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta which were revealed in May added to the long list of acts of sexual violence that occurred against children. As if increasingly asserting that there is no safer place for children. Teachers who should set an example are actually the source of disaster.

The depraved behavior of the Koran teacher is known to have been carried out since early 2022. The victim is a student aged 6-16 years.

So far, according to the Deputy for Child Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Nahar, only four victims have reported to the Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) Sleman. Nahar suspects that there are still several other victims.

"We certainly deeply regret the occurrence of criminal acts of sexual violence in the form of sexual abuse and sexual intercourse committed by alleged perpetrators of Koran teachers against their students," said Nahar in his statement quoted on May 4, 2023.

Chairman of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Union Expert Council (FSGI) Retno Listyarti said the number of K victims reached 15 people, including two brothers and 1 16-year-old victim who was raped.

The modus operandi of the perpetrator is to provide doctrine. With power relations, the perpetrator can easily order the victim to obey him. Not only positive things, the victim must also be willing to carry out depraved orders from the teacher.

In fact, said Retno, he was'Often angry' and threatened the victim if his request was not complied with.'

Retno did not deny that cases of sexual violence against children were already in a worrying stage. In January 2023, a similar case was also revealed in Batang Regency, Central Java. The Koran teacher with the initials M (28) committed immoral acts against 21 of his 5-13-year-old students.

Not only in children's recitations, cases of sexual violence also often occur in educational circles, both under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and educational units under the Ministry of Religion.

FSGI noted that in the January-April 2023 period alone, 15 cases of sexual violence had occurred with the number of victims reaching 124 children and teenagers.

A total of 46.67 percent occurred at the elementary school or madrasah ibtidaiyah, 13.33 percent at the junior high school level, 7.67 percent occurred at SMK, and 33.33 percent at the Islamic Boarding School.

"The status of 40 percent of the perpetrators is teachers or ustads, 33 percent of the leaders and caregivers of Islamic boarding schools, 20 percent of school principals, and 6.67 percent of school guards. All of them are men," said Retno in a statement received by VOI on May 2, 2023.

On that basis, FSGI invites all parties to clean up. The Central and regional governments need to ensure that educators who are perpetrators of sexual violence against their students must be punished. Carry out the mandate of Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning criminal acts of sexual violence that state cases of sexual violence, cannot be resolved outside the judicial process.

"This is to provide a deterrent effect. If the punishment is only a mutation, it is possible that similar behavior will occur later, and new victims will emerge," said Retno.

In addition, FSGI encourages the Ministry of Education and Culture to conduct massive socialization regarding the implementation of policies from Permendikbud No. 82 of 2015 concerning the Prevention and Control of acts of violence in the Education unit, including socializing also the hotline of Friends of Women and Children (SAPA) 129 or Whatsapp 0811-129-129 to report sexual violence experienced.

Also, encouraging the Indonesian Ministry of Religion to socialize and implement the PMA policy No. 73 of 2022 concerning the Prevention and Control of Sexual Violence in Madrasahs and Islamic boarding schools.

No less important is the active role of parents. Retno assessed that parents need to understand the modes commonly used by perpetrators of sexual violence against children. The hope is that it can further instill a message to which children are allowed and should not be done.

Referring to the 15 cases, there are 11 modes of perpetrators in carrying out their depraved acts against the victim's child, namely as follows:

For cases of sexual violence that occurred in religious-based boarding schools, FSGI assessed that the power relationship between religious leaders and their students was strongly attached to the pesantren. Teachers' words or ustads are something that must be done if they do not reduce blessings or benefit.

"So, the perpetrators are usually considered to have the truth of their rights, both their words and actions. As a result, only a few people believe in the truth of the sexual violence incident experienced by victims who incidentally are still minors," said Retno.

In addition, parents also need to provide sex education from an early age, of course, they must be adjusted to their child's age. The goal is that children can be more introspective of all forms of sexual violence. Also, dare to speak about what he experienced.

"Sex education including reproductive health education can prevent our children from becoming victims of sexual violence, because many children do not know that they are harassed or molested because of their lack of knowledge about it," added Retno.