Baharkam Polri インヒルで転覆したスピードボート エブリン・カリスカ01の価値を調査する
The Directorate of Water Police of the Waters Corps of the Water and Air Police of the Security Maintenance Agency (DitpolairKorpolairudBaharkam) of the National Police together with the Riau Police Directorate of Police will investigate the case of the overturning of the KMEvelyn Calisca01 fast boat in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau, regarding the feasibility of the speedboat.
"The plan is that tomorrow the team will launch to the location assisted by the Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Polair Baharkam Polri as many as three people. There, we will investigate the feasibility of the ship and the possibility of excess capacity," said Director of Polair Polda Riau Kombes Wahyu Prihat Masyaadi Pekanbaru as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.
Until now, two people have been named as suspects, namely the captain and replacement for the captain during the sea transportation accident.
"It is believed this is a form of negligence so that it is the cause of the ship's overturn. We are currently suspecting Article 359 of the Criminal Code," said Wahyu.
Previously, the Harbormaster was also under investigation, but was sent home and only required to report because it was suspected that he was not involved.
However, Wahyu said, in the future it is possible that the number of suspects in this case, including ticket agents and ship owners, will also be directly inspected in Tembilahan (Indragiri Hilir Regency Capital).
"We'll check everything later. We'll hold a case there, then we'll close it. Tomorrow we will check all the possibilities, including the completeness of the safety equipment, which will be investigated," he said.
The police also piled up evidence in the form of wood that was hit by the Calisca 01 ship until it capsized.
"We have also obtained the wood that was hit and then slipped on the back propeller of the ship. There are also passengers who stand on the ship," he said.
The tragedy of the overturning of the Evelyn Calisca 01 ship, which had only operated for two months, left 12 passengers found dead.