Researchers Reveal Two Teas A Day To Improve Sleep Quality And Stress Management

JAKARTA - If a cup of tea can do more than just warm you up and provide comfort, what benefits will we get by regularly drinking tea in everyday life?

According to a new systematic review of 33 different studies, including eight human intervention trials, drinking tea can help improve sleep quality and stress management.

The study found that several types of tea, including ordinary black tea, green tea, German Chamomile, Lavender, Rose, Jasmine and Passionflower, contain active compounds that can increase relaxation and reduce stress.

In particular, tea is a natural source of L-Theanine, an amino acid that has a direct effect on the brain, helping activate a track that lowers stress and creates calm and relaxation.

Dr. Bond team, member of the Teh Advisory Panel and author of the study noted, by drinking at least two cups a day, green tea, oolong and classic British "cuppa" have proven to have benefits.

"Teh is the main natural source of L-theanine in our diet. Tea and herbal infusion also contain various polyphenols that act as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can contribute to a good sleep," explains Dr. Bond to The National News as quoted April 15.

"Flavonoid, apigenin, present in chamomile, is considered responsible for the effect of chamomile sleep," he continued,

A study commissioned by TAP and written by nutrition and well-being experts also found, while herbal tea infusions are better known for their calming nature, they can also reduce stress and make sleep better.

It's no secret that a good night's sleep is very important to maintain overall health and well-being.

According to research results from Britain, the United States, and the Netherlands, one in four adults sleep less than 7-9 hours per night recommended.

Women over 40 are worst affected, with the shortest sleep duration and poor sleep efficiency. Meanwhile, half of teenagers sleep less than 8-10 hours at night which is optimal for their age group.

Drinking tea can help break the vicious circle of stress and lack of sleep, the review suggestion.

Dr. Bond further said research on 18 young volunteers found that the aroma of black tea and Darjeeling tea, before consumption, helped reduce stress and improve mood.

Next, drinking passion flower tea was found to improve sleep quality in research on 41 adults, while two cups of matchha green tea every day significantly reduces levels of anxiety in young adults.

"Six weeks of (usual) black tea lowers levels of stress hormones and increases relaxation in a group of men who are asked to perform stress-stressing mental tasks. Elderly adults who drink lavender tea twice a day have lower levels of anxiety and depression," said Dr. Bond.

It is known, poor sleep has been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, and impaired immune function. It can also affect cognitive performance and hinder decision-making.

Dr. Gill Jenkins, a general practitioner, warned about the health risks of too little high-quality sleep. He noted that sleep less than six hours a night had been found to increase levels of the C-reactive protein and increase markers of liver damage.

Putting two cups of tea into the night's routine we can make significant differences in our overall sleep quality and health, according to the review.

"Changes in lifestyle including drinking tea and hygiene of sleep can make a difference," said Dr Bond.