
JAKARTA Vina's film: Before 7 Days suddenly shook Indonesia. This film seems to be able to open the public's eyes to return to highlight and demand the reopening of the murder case in Cirebon eight years ago.

Yes, the film made by director Anggy Umbara was indeed based on a true story about the murder of a couple by a motorcycle gang member in Cirebon in 2016. This film tells the story of Vina, a 16-year-old girl who is a victim of brutal murder by a motorcycle gang.

Vina was found dead with her lover, R alias E, on August 27, 2016 at 22.00 WIB. The bodies of the two were found on an overpass in Kepungan Village, Talun District, Cirebon Regency, West Java.

The controversy surrounding this case has re-emerged. Starting from the wrongful arrest of eight convicts to the latest, the arrest of the suspect Pegi Setiawan. Many parties assume that the convicts and Pegi are "tumpal" to cover up who the real perpetrators are in the Vina case.

Vina's case, which was raised to the big screen, opens public memory of cases that can be said to be similar to 54 years ago. In 1970, the Indonesian people, especially DI Yogyakarta, were shocked by the kidnapping and rape case that befell Sumaridjem alias Sum Kuning.

The case of Sum Kuning has attracted public attention because the perpetrators are suspected to be children of the protesters in the city of Yogyakarta. Like Vina's case, the incident that happened to Sum Kuning was written in a book entitled Sum Kuning: The Victim of Kidnapping and Rape by Kamandjaja et al in 1971 before finally being raised on the big screen in 1980 or ten years later with the title Virgin Village with director Frank Rorimpandey.

Similar To Vina: Before 7 Days, Sum Kuning's Book: Kidnapping And Rape Victims As Well As Village Virgin Films were able to describe the incident that happened to the 17-year-old girl.

The Tragic Story Of Sum Kuning Yogyakarta Girl

September 21, 1970 night, city buses no longer passed. Slow deals were sold. Sum Kuning walked north, waiting for a bus that never came. Feelings of discomfort enveloped. The day before the dark. The outskirts of the city of Yogyakarta were still quiet.

Sumaridjem then turned right through Jalan Patuk to Jalan Ngupasan. The bus to transport to Godean did not appear. When passing east of the Patuk Police Dormitory, suddenly a car almost grazed and stopped nearby.

"It seems that the young men got out of the car and forcibly pulled Sumaridjem into the car. He tried his best to reject the brandal-brandal coercion, but it didn't work," wrote Kamadjaja et al.

The car then moved again and circled Jalan Diponegoro to Bumidjo. As Sumaridjem recalled, the car crossed Jalan Magelang and was shaken when crossing the tracks. Inside the car, some even threatened it by attaching a cutter knife to its neck.

After that, Sumaridjem was stunned and almost unconscious. What he remembered long was that he was 'the long cloth was held at the center and it was heard that the young men were singing along with Sumaridjem's pain in his genitals as a hard object. The pain and pain were extraordinary in Sumaridjem's genitals up to three times.'

Not finished there, the Rp4,650 money from his merchandise was also brushed off by the youths. After kidnapping and raping, the youth gang then threw away a helpless Sumaridjem on the edge of Wates-Purworejo Street, precisely in the Gamping area.

Armed with the remaining Rp100, Sumaridjem stopped the rickshaw and was asked to take him to the house of one of his customers in Bumidjo, Mrs. Sulardi. Sumaridjem cried. That morning, Sumaridjem's condition was very sad, his feet and cloth were covered in blood. Sobs reached the ears of Mrs. Sulardi's neighbor.

Incidentally, Mrs. Sulardi is close to Tut Sugijarto, a journalist on Sunday Morning. At 06.00 September 22, 1970, Tut immediately contacted his colleague, Imam Sutrisno, a journalist for People's Sovereignty.

Imam immediately reported to the Military Police unit, Denpom VII/2. As soon as PM members arrived and witnessed Sumaridjem's condition, they did not wait long for them to take him to Bethesda Hospital. When taken

to the hospital, because it passed Jalan Patuk, Sumaridjem showed his place was kidnapped by long-standing youths the night before.

The allegation of society falls to the children of prominent people in Yogya. The allegation is based on the fact that the kidnappers used cars. (In the 1970s) Only prominent people and rich people own cars," wrote Kamadjaja again.

Allegations of society seem to be proven. Because, not the kidnappers and rapists who were arrested by the police, it was Sumaridjem who had to deal with the police on charges of false reports. The results of the post-mortem of the doctor who mentioned bleeding of genitals, torn hymen, and wounds on the right and left thighs seemed no longer important.

Hoegeng's book: Sad Oase in the midst of Corrupt Behavior of the Leaders of the Nation written by Aris Santoso et al in 2009 even revealed that Sumaridjem was accused of being a member of Gerwani. One night the police came to Sum. They told him to take off his clothes. The reason is that they will look for if there are signs of hammers on his body," wrote Aris Santoso in the book.

Sumaridjem was dragged to the court on charges of giving false information under a three-month prison sentence. The claim was rejected by Mrs. Lamijah Moeljarto because Sumaridjem was not proven to have given false information and Sumaridjem was acquitted of charges.

In the Water Eye Book of Exemplary: Pancasila and Yudi Latif's actions (2014), it was revealed that a meatball seller named Trimo appeared. A small commoner. He acts as the girlfriend of Sum Kuning. At the same time the perpetrator of the rapist. He has also been persecuted. Forced to admit to raping. Trimo clearly refused raw. He didn't even know Sum Kuning.

According to Aris Santoso's notes, the public is considered to have already believed Budidono's version. This person is a car broker who was arrested by the police after Sumaridjem reported. Budidono admitted to raping. Even the surprising confession slid from Budidono's mouth, the other three rapists were the dredgede's children. Confessions to the police were leaked, then circulated in the community.

The National Police Chief Against Great Strength

The Sum Kuning case was not only a public concern, but also the National Police Chief at that time, Hoegeng Imam Santoso. He is serious about trying to uncover this case, including making a special team in January 1971 named Sum Kuning Examining Team led by Kadapol IX/Central Java, Suwardjiono.

Still based on Aris Santoso's records, Hoegeng reported the progress of the disclosure of the Sum Kuning case to President Suharto. Unfortunately, the report actually made Suharto intervene alone. The Smiling General transferred the investigation from Hoegeng to the Kopkamtib Central Examining Team.

In fact, this team usually handles political cases that are relatively extraordinary. I don't know why the Sum Kuning case is equated with security issues that can endanger the country. The result is ten people. All of them are not a child of a reckless person. They strongly denied it. Pledged death if it really raped him.

Hoegeng then realized that there was too much power to fight. He was then retired as National Police Chief on October 2, 1971. In Hoegeng's book: Idaman Police and Reality by Abrar Yusra and Ramadhan KH (1993), Hoegeng regretted the interference of other parties to the authority of the Police.

Including the handling of the Sum Kuning case, which should only be carried out by law enforcement officers such as the police have been interfered with by other parties. As a result, until now the perpetrators of kidnapping and actual rape of Sum Kuning are still an unsolved mystery.

The controversy surrounding Vina's case in Cirebon is like dejavu of the Sum Kuning case. The West Java Regional Police removed two names from the People's Wanted List (DPO) after the arrest of Pegi Setiawan, one of the alleged perpetrators of the murder of Vina and Eky eight years ago. The latest development of this murder case adds to the long list of irregularities behind the police investigation.

Peti Setiawan along with two other names, Andi and Dani, are on the wanted list in the viral murder case. However, in a press conference on Sunday, May 26, 2024, the West Java Police announced that the two names were removed from the wanted list.

Direskrimum Polda West Java, Surawan, reasoned that the two names were deleted because the eight perpetrators who had been previously arrested were only as long as they were called' and the identities of the two could not be proven.

Some say that the fugitive suspect has three different names, there is one explaining five, there is one. After further investigation, the two names mentioned so far, that's just the origin of the mention by the suspects," he said.

Vina's attorney, Princess Maya Rumanti, admitted that she was disappointed with the decision to remove the two names and urged the police to stick to the ruling of the court which stipulated that there were three DPOs in Vina's case.

"In this decision, it is clear as a DPO that must be sought. So the question is who is most responsible for Vina and Eky's death if the two DPOs are eliminated?" he said.

Meanwhile, the figure of Pegi who was also presented at the press conference was seen several times shaking his head when the police explained his role in Vina's case. In fact, in front of the media and the police, he denied his involvement in the murder of Vina and Eky.

"I've never committed that murder. This is slander. I'm willing to die," said Pegi.

Differences In 2 Presidents In Handling Legal Cases

Even as in the case of Sum Kuning, the controversy surrounding the Vina Cirebon case also drew the attention of President Joko Widodo. The number one person in Indonesia admitted that he had ordered the case to be investigated transparently and that nothing needed to be covered up.

"Ask the National Police Chief. I have conveyed that the case is really guarded and transparent. Everything is open, nothing needs to be covered up," said the president during a visit to Lawang Agung Market, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra, last Saturday, June 1.

Unfortunately, until now the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo has not issued any statement regarding the Vina Cirebon case. Although the handling of this case is still ongoing, the police chief's silence raises public questions, especially when compared to Hoegeng's move, who used to work hard to uncover the Sum Kuning case.

However, the founder of the Haidar Alwi Institute (HAI), R Haidar Alwi, asked the public not to compare Vina's case with Sum Kuning, especially in the spotlight on the police chief. According to him, the two cases have differences.

"The investigation of the Sum Kuning case is not supported by President Soeharto. In contrast to the Vina Cirebon case, the investigation has received full support from President Jokowi," Haidar said in a written statement, Monday, June 3, 2024.

He emphasized that Vina's case that occurred in 2016 was resumed under Listyo's leadership and was considered to be progressing with the arrests of the DPOs. "In fact, the public should be grateful to the Police because during the time of the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Vina Cirebon's unfinished case in the past, it has now been quickly investigated. It is evident from the arrest of DPOs who have been free to roam for 8 years regardless of the suspect's defense," he added.

Haidar said that in handling the Sum Kuning case, there was a principle conflict that gave birth to disharmony and had an impact on handling cases. Meanwhile, in Vina's case, the National Police Chief and the president have the same commitment in law enforcement.

"So, National Police Chief General Hoegeng lost his position not in the Sum Kuning Case, but because he was not in harmony with President Suharto. In the Vina Cirebon Case, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and President Jokowi are very harmonious and there are no problems. Both have the same commitment in law enforcement," he said.

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