JAKARTA Google launched a generative Google Marketing Live feature (AI) earlier this year. However, on November 7, Google officially launched the beta version.
In this version, Google will present a Maximum Performance feature that has been improved. The hope is that marketers can expand the scale of their audience and build higher quality advertising assets or materials.
According to Google, assets are the main element of success in achieving Maximum Performance. Therefore, they created a generating AI-based feature that can help make assets for brand or company campaigns.
Now, marketers can take advantage of Maximum Performance on Google more easily. The reason is, marketers can create assets in the form of text and images in such a short time and in just a few clicks.
"With the help of your knowledge and expertise, Google AI will generate assets that help you reach customers across Google's inventory and performance format," saidROup Product ManagerPalllavi Narest in an official release.
Narest explained that Google wants to help marketers produce more creative and varied concepts. Even though all these assets and campaigns are driven by a generating AI, the marketer remains in key control.
Marketers can specify the desired assets from Google's generative AI creation results. When images or text have been selected for use, Google emphasizes that they will not remove the image again.
Google states that their AI will not create the same image so that assets become more exclusive. In other words, assets that one marketer already owns will not be used by other marketers.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)