
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Ariandi Putra, said that during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), BSSN will continue to collaborate with relevant ministries and institutions to keep the digital space safe from various cyber attacks.

BSSN has also formed a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), which is expected to be able to prevent or mitigate cyber attack incidents during the election period.

Furthermore, Andi emphasized that BSSN does not only monitor technical cyber attacks such as phishing, malware and ransomware. But, they also monitor attacks of a social nature.

"Social cyber attacks are also a monitoring carried out by BSSN through the directorates in BSSN. So, through the Information Control directorate, we see and monitor how the escalation of news or escalation of information which may be malinformation, misinformation, disinformation, or hoax information," explained Andi when VOI asked about cyber attacks that occurred during the election period, on Tuesday, October 24.

To monitor these social attacks, BSSN collaborates with the Ministry of Communication and Information and also the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (MAFINDO).

"We are collaborating with friends at MAFINDO to look at fact checkers regarding information circulating in the community. Apart from that, we are collaborating with Kominfo to stamp whether the information is a hoax or not," he said further.

Through this collaboration, BSSN hopes that this step can strengthen the government, as a regulator, to realize peaceful elections that are safe and can run well in 2024.

Currently, BSSN claims to have monitored several hoax information circulating on the internet. To follow up on this problem, BSSN submitted evidence documents to the National Police for follow-up.

"Yes, of course the hoax information that we saw, there were several things that we found of course. After that we compiled this information into a report document, we handed it over to our friends at the National Police, we handed it over to our friends at the Ministry of Communication and Information for follow-up." he concluded.

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