
YOGYAKARTA Israel's Iron Dome work is one of the most interesting things to discuss. The reason is, the rocket, which is one of the military defense systems, is often referred to as one of the most advanced in the world.

Despite being claimed to be one of the most advanced, Hamas forces have actually succeeded in identifying the Iron Dome's weaknesses which turned out to be unable to withstand large rocket attacks at once. Then how exactly did Israel's Irone Dome work?

In general, Iron Dome is a tool for crashing projectiles that enter certain defenses. Iron Dome technology is equipped with radar that functions to detect rockets. After that the command and control system will quickly calculate whether incoming projectiles are threatening or will hit uninhabited territory. Even Iron Dome is also able to detect the potential for rockets to glide to which, whether to the city, military base, or to the crowd of troops.

If a rocket projectile is detected as threatening, then Iron Dome will make an attempt to thwart it by launching a missile from the ground targeting an opponent's rocket and firing it in the air.

Iron Dome is not only sophisticated, but also practical because it can be moved easily. In addition, the required preparation only takes hours. While the missile launched can maneuver easily.

The missile length alone reaches 3 meters with a diameter of 15 cm and a weight of 90 kilograms. Per missile can store 11 kg of high power explosives with a range of 4 to 70 km. Each unit has a firing control radar capable of identifying targets quickly. In addition, Iron Dome also has a portable missile launcher.

Each Iron Dome unit is able to protect an area with an area of 155 square kilometers. Usually placed in a strategic area even in densely populated urban areas. Israel itself has several Iron Domes, with four launchers each. Each launcher has a capacity of up to 20 badminton.

Despite being equipped with the sophistication of military technology, Iron Dome also has the potential for failure to prevent attacks. This failure could occur due to several factors, such as numbers and types of rockets. This can be seen from the Hamas attack which claimed that the bombing they carried out was by launching 5,000 rockets within 20 minutes. This amount turned out to be quite an overwhelmed Iron Dome.

Iron Dome also managed to thwart Hamas rocket attacks using various types, such as Qassam rockets and Grad rockets. On the Qassam rocket, Iron Dome can anticipate it. However, in the Grad rocket attack, Iron Dome was unable to intercept.

In addition, Iron Dome also seems to have difficulty stemming rockets launched via mobile vehicles. This failure is likely to occur because radar failed to read the situation.

That's information about how Israel's Iron Dome works. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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