
JAKARTA - embedding messages in any messaging application will make it easier for you to quickly find and respond to important chats, in the midst of other chats.

Just like on WhatsApp, Snapchat also has a feature to embed your chat with someone. If you are a new user, maybe you can follow the following steps to use it.

How To Save Snapchat Chat

Embedding someone's conversations on Snapchat can mean that you prioritize those conversations. That is, your conversations with them will remain at the top, even if you haven't sent photos or messages to each other for a while.

To embed someone on Snapchat is very easy, start by pressing and holding up their chat and selecting Chat Settings. Then, tap Pin Conversation.

Snapchat only allows you to pin up to three conversations at once, so remember this if you're thinking of using the pin feature to track your important conversations.

How To Change Pinned Conversation Emoji On Snapchat

By default, Snapchat represents a conversation embedded with pushpin emoji. However, if you want to change the emoji, you can do it the following way:

Next, go back to the Chat section, and you'll see that Snapchat uses the emoji you selected for embedded conversations.

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