
JAKARTA - After successfully landing a human on the moon on the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, the United States (NASA) Aeronautics and Space Agency plans to return to the moon via the Artemis 3 mission.

However, before the mission took place, NASA prepared the Artemis 2 mission first. The Artemis 2 mission will use the Orion spacecraft to carry four astronauts.

Although Artemis 2 did not actually land on the moon, only as an opening of the Artemis 3 mission, NASA still pays attention to the needs of astronauts who will spend a lot of time in space.

From Space data, the Orion spacecraft will have a clean space filled with privacy rooms, toilets, and areas to store their cleaning equipment. Although there is not enough water there, Orion provides soap and shampoo without rinse.

Interestingly, toilets in Orion can collect urine and feces separately. Urine will be thrown into the sea, while feces are collected and stored safely until the plane returns to earth.

NASA also provides medical equipment inside Orion. There are some items such as first aid items, stethoscopes, and other equipment. The crew also had the opportunity to talk to surgeons in discussing their physical and mental health.

Orion has a special room to rest with a simple set of sleeping bags. To eat on their own, NASA is testing safe foods brought into orbit and adapted to the tastes and needs of each crew.

Although NASA is trying to provide all the needs of the Orion crew, this aircraft has not yet been completed. Reportedly, NASA will not conduct an Orion flight test to maintain the purity of this aircraft until it is officially launched at the end of next year.

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