JAKARTA - The Russian government-owned nanotechnology company, Rusnano, is facing significant debt problems and is in danger. The company issued a warning that without support from the government, they may not be able to pay off their debts.
The Russian government, as Rusnano's main shareholder, is now involved and intervenes in efforts to address the issue.
A report from Rusnano in the first half of this year indicated the company's debt problem. In his report, Rusnano stated that, "Considering the amount of debt that must be repaid in the form of loans and bonds by the end of 2023, fulfilling Rusnano's debt obligations with full internal funds is just something objectively impossible."
The company also stated that it is currently showing signs of inability to pay debts and warned that bankruptcy is the best possibility if its shareholders, in this case, the Russian government, do not take steps to improve Rusnano's financial situation.
Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesman, was quoted as admitting there was a problem at Rusnano and saying the Russian government was active in dealing with the matter. Peskov said that quick steps had been taken to improve the situation in the nanotechnology company, although the size of the problem was quite large.
Rusnano is a Russian state nanotechnology company aimed at developing nanoscale technology. The involvement of the Russian government in overcoming the potential for bankruptcy, Rusnano, has shown the impact of the company's role in the country's high-level technology industry.
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