
JAKARTA - Today's Google Doodle, September 27 to be precise, celebrates Google's 25th year. During its journey until now, Google has become a widely used search engine.

"While we at Google are future-oriented, birthdays can also be a time for reflection," Google wrote.

Google's Journey

The story begins with doctoral students Sergey Brin and Larry Page meeting at Stanford University's computer science program in the late 90s.

Furthermore, this chance meeting immediately revealed a shared vision, namely to make the World Wide Web more accessible to everyone.

With that vision and mission, they finally embarked on an arduous journey together, working from their dorm to create a prototype of a more sophisticated search engine.

"The pair worked tirelessly from their dorm room to develop a prototype of a better search engine," Google wrote in its story.

When they made significant progress on the project, they moved operations to Google's first office — a rented garage. On September 27, 1998, Google Inc. was officially born.

A lot has changed since 1998 — including the Google logo as seen on today's Doodle — but the mission remains the same: organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Billions of people from around the world now use Google to search, connect, work, play, and more.

"Thank you for growing with us over the past 25 years. We can't wait to see where the future takes us together," the search giant concluded.

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