
JAKARTA - Zoom is one of the leading video conferencing platforms that is widely used. The app itself has many features, including the ability to reschedule meetings.

This repeated meeting is a regular meeting. It could be a weekly team meeting, a daily, monthly, or whenever-repetitive synchronization call, which is repeated at certain intervals.

Each Zoom meeting has a unique ID, but repeated meetings will have the same ID to avoid confusion about the meeting link. This helps users track down their meetings and access them without any complexity.

Your Zoom Calendar shows invited upcoming encounters based on a calendar linked to your Zoom account. In addition, the calendar in the Zoom app allows you to make repeated meetings and invite participants in some simple steps.

Here's how:

Once you click Save, Zoom will save future meetings and repeats to your calendar. It also sends invitees to other participants and adds every meeting to their calendar.

Meeting frequency can be set to Never for one-time meetings by default. You can also choose a daily, weekly, monthly, or specific repetition for repeated meetings.

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