
JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now increasingly needed to support human needs, including basic needs such as technology.

With AI, the technology used by humans has become more developed. One of the technological devices that uses AI is personal computers such as the Mac developed by Apple.

Even though the Mac has several built-in features that are quite sophisticated, Apple still provides several other AI applications that can be used to make work easier. The following are the 5 best AI-assisted Mac applications reported by Makeuseof.


This application can help students and workers when attending meetings online. By using Krisp, background sounds such as house repairs or roosters crowing will no longer be a problem due to the improved audio quality.


The need to write well is increasingly needed nowadays. By using GrammarlyGO, writing will become more organized because errors in letters, grammar and spelling can be corrected.


The Notion application is an alternative for organizing piles of tasks, tracking which website pages you have visited, keeping notes, and much more. By using Notion, you can combine notes, calendars and other needs in one application.

Canary Mail

If you have difficulty organizing your email, then Canary Mail is the solution. This AI-supported application is able to help simplify email workflows, analyze and summarize emails, and even reduce excess messages in emails.


This last application is a solution to save time in editing documents, so Craft is the solution. This application provides facilities for creating documents, one of which is a template for all types of documents and assistants such as summarizing, translating and suggesting titles.

Those are the five Mac applications with AI support that can help you complete your daily activities. Thus, whatever your field of work, now everything can be done easily.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by