
JAKARTA - Google is rolling out many new features to Android, including those powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help users monitor tasks and stay connected while traveling.

The most prominent feature is to combine AI directly to the home screen of Android phone users with the Assistant At a Glance widget, which provides useful information such as high-precision weather warnings, dynamic travel updates, and a reminder of upcoming events on the home screen.

The company also makes it easier to access visual content in the Tanya Answer Image feature in the Lookout application by using AI to produce a more detailed description.

After opening the image, the user can type or use the voice to ask further questions to learn more about the contents of the image.

Lookout also provides 11 new languages, including Japan, Korea, and China, bringing the total number of languages currently supported to 34.

Users are also easier to access airplane tickets and more, just by uploading photos on Google Wallet Pass. There, they can digitize a card that has a barcode or QR code, such as a gym or library card.

In addition, a new communication app will soon be available on Android Auto. With an additional Webex by Cisco and Zoom, users can start and join conference calls via audio and browse meeting schedules from their car screens.

Active calls are managed via Android Auto, so users can mute the microphone when needed and end the call after completion.

Finally, Android phone users can hear about their Fitbit or Google Fit activities and sleep data in private routines.

To start, add sleep hours and start sleeping time to the routine Good morning. Then say, 'Hi Google, good morning' to listen to the statistical recap of sleep in the morning.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by