JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi emphasized that he would take firm action against reports of online gambling content appearing in the game center application on the Oppo Reno 10 Pro Plus smartphone.
"Well, that's it later, if necessary, we will reprimand and if this is the case we take down. Take down the application, if necessary, with the people," Budi told the media crew after the launch of the information public information service info.go.id.
Furthermore, the Minister of Communication and Information also mentioned that the distribution of online gambling content has become a transnational problem, which means that it does not only occur from Indonesia.
"Yes, indeed online gambling is transnational, not just here. Because digitalization is borderless, it makes people even more unlimited, it can be anywhere. Anyway, there will be sophisticated ways (overcoming online gambling content on Oppo smartphones), don't worry," he concluded.
Responding to reports related to game advertising notifications that are not legal according to Indonesian law on the default application of Oppo smartphone products, Indonesian OPPOs are always committed to supporting government efforts and policies.
"Following up on the report above, we have stopped the ad notification of the game in question, and we also continue to work together with related parties as a step so that in the future this will not happen again," said Baskoro Adiwiyono, Head of Public Relations, OPPO Indonesia in a written statement received by VOI on Friday, August 25.
Baskoro also informed that users of OPPO smartphone products who want to disable notifications for other applications on devices, can take the following steps:
Another option is to disable ad notifications and/or notification permissions for the OPPO App Market application by:
Select the Permissions menu then select the Notifications menu (Notifications) and disable the Allow Notifications option (Allow notifications) by sliding it to the left side
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