How Analytical Gas Works, Motor Vehicle Emission Test Tool
Illustration of four-wheeled vehicle emission test (Photo: IST)


YOGYAKARTA Recently, the topic of motor vehicle emission testing is being discussed by the public. Vehicles over three years old are required to test gas emissions with an analyzer gas. So, how does an analyzer gas work?

For information, the analyzer gas or exhaust emission test kit is an instrument used to measure the proportion and composition of the combined gas.

Gas that can be measured by the anuser gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), and carbon monoxide (CO) gas.

In the industrial sector, the anuser gas is used to optimize production and safety processes. Meanwhile, in the automotive world, gas emission test kits are used to measure combustion gas on motorbikes or cars with the aim of research to work on a series of actions so that vehicle engines meet established standards.

Summarized from various sources, exhaust emission test kits work by taking gas samples from the probe, then entering each cell.

Next, the gas sample will be compensated with the standard gas that passes through system transmission. The test results are in the form of wavelengths that will be converted into analog signals by receivers.

Well, this working principle is applied to measure air emission gas issued by motorized vehicles, such as:

How To Measure Motor Vehicle Emissions With Analytical Gas

Steps to measure motor vehicle emissions with an analyzer gas, namely:

That's the information on how the anuser gas works. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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