
JAKARTA - Robots that are present at an artificial intelligence forum (AI) said on Friday 7 July that they are expected to increase and help solve global problems. But they will neither seize human labor nor rebel against us.

In the world's first human-robot press conference, they gave mixed responses to whether they should comply with stricter regulations.

Nine humanoid robots gathered at the 'AI for Good' conference in Geneva, where organizers are trying to prove that artificial intelligence and the robots it supports can help address some of the world's biggest challenges such as disease and hunger.

"As a medical robot, I will work with humans to provide assistance and support, and will not replace the existing work," said Grace, a medical robot wearing a blue nurse uniform.

"Are you sure, Grace?" said the creator, Ben Goertzel of the Net Singularity. "Yes, I'm sure," replied the robot.

A robot named Ameca, which is capable of displaying interesting facial expressions, said: "Robots like me can be used to help improve our lives and make the world a better place. I believe it's just a matter of time before we see thousands of robots like me playing a role in making differences."

When asked by a journalist whether he intends to rebel against his creator, Will Jackson who sits next to him, Ameca replied: "I'm not sure why you think so," with his blue eye flickering ice blue. "My creator has always been kind to me and I am very happy with the current situation."

Many of these robots have recently been upgraded with the latest version of artificial intelligence that is generative and even surprised by the sophistication of their response to questions.

Ai-Da, an artist robot who can paint portraits, repeated the words of author Yuval Noah Harari who asked for more regulations during the event, where new AI regulations are being discussed.

"Many well-known voices in the world of AI propose some form of AI to be regulated and I agree," the robot said.

However, Desdemona, a robot rock singer in the band Jam Galaxy with purple and beret hair, is more assertive.

"I don't believe in boundaries, just chances," he said with nervous laughter. "Let's explore the possibility of the universe and make this world our playground."

Another robot named Sophia says she thinks robots can become better leaders than humans, but then revises her statement after her creator disagrees, saying they can work together to "create effective synergy".

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